Sorry folks! Tax deadlines are fast approaching!
I am providing some basic information for tax deadlines but always consult your tax expert for specific tax details.
The second installment of the 2023-2024 secured property tax bill is due on April 10th and will become delinquent after 5:00pm on that day. A 10% late payment and an administrative fee will be added if not paid by the due date and time.
All property taxes are paid to the county treasurer's office where the property is located. You will find your county assessor and treasurer website and here's the Monterey County link.
Here is a calendar reminder for you property taxes:
February 1: Second Installment of regular taxes are due
April 10: Taxes become delinquent at 5:00pm
May: Delinquent tax notices are mailed
July 1: Fiscal year begins
July 2-September 15: Regular supplement appeals can be submitted
September 15: Last day to file supplement appeals
October: Property tax bills are mailed
November 1: First installment due
November 10: delinquent after 5pm
If the delinquent date falls on a weekend or a holiday, the delinquent date is the next business day.