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Watch Out for this Fake Bank!

Another scam just hit the streets and it's hard to keep track of them all. Here's the latest......

If you receive a letter from "First National Bank" that is offering lines of credit and secured or long-term loans, do not contact them! The federal authorities are warning that First National Bank is “not a licensed or chartered bank.” The "bank" claims to be from Minneapolis and is falsely claiming “to be a financial institution offering business banking services.” They are targeting businesses by sending them prequalification letters.

Authorities say First National Bank is using the fictitious address of 222 S. 9th Street in Minneapolis, as well as phone numbers such as (800) 491-0264 or (855) 414-9437.

The OCC is warning anyone who is contacted by the bank to not respond. For those who have already done so, the OCC is providing a list of federal agencies to report any correspondence with the fictitious bank.

Source: Realtor Magazine April 5, 2019 and Office of the Comptroller of Currency

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