Here are a few statistics for Monterey County schools. The homeless number and the socioeconomically disadvantaged segment are staggering. Sometimes we live in a bubble and it's important to branch out and look beyond our small communities. Pacific Grove, Carmel and the surrounding area comprise a very small portion of the total student population. Other communities within the county have a disproportionate amount of low income households. We have to take care of these kids!
Enrollment by Subgroup:
English Learners: 34.3%
Foster Youth: .2%
Homeless: 9.9%
Migrant Students: 3.7%
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged: 75.1%
Students Disabilities: 10.9%
Enrollment by Ethnicity in the County:
Hispanic or Latino - 80.5%
White: 12.0%
Asian: 1.7%
African American: 1.3%
Filipino: 1.6%
American Indian/Alaskan Indian: .3%
Pacific Islander: .5%
Other: 2.1%
There are 126 public schools, 8 charter clubs, 22 private schools.
Here are a few numbers for some of the local school district:
Monterey Peninsula Unified School District - 10,526 student population
Pacific Grove Unified School District - 1981 student population
Carmel Unified School District - 2,483
Washington Union School District - 880
Spreckles Union School Distrcit - 2,581
Alisal Union School District - 8,750
Salinas City Elementary School District - 8,566
Salinas Union High School District - 16,257
King City Union School District - 2,671
Gonzales Unified School District - 2,344
Greenfield Union School District - 3,550
Soledad Unified School District - 4,871
Big Sur Unified School District - 82
Interesting note....I graduated from Pacific Grove High School in the early 80's. My graduating class was around 120. Today, I hear the the senior class remains about the same. We have limited land resources so population expansion is limited. Amazing how little has changed in 40 years!
Source: California Department of Education, DataQuest, Student Enrollment - 2019-20