Not all of us are lucky enough to have extra space for a theater or media room but don't worry....we're now trending away from basement setting and placing the tv and theater on the main level, in the heart of the home!
With great rooms still an essential part of our modern lifestyle, homeowners are looking to create comfortable lounge and entertainment spaces close to the kitchen and convenient for communal interaction.
The Wall Street Journal just featured an article about media rooms and here's what they said.....
Key advantages are : high ceilings, a fireplace and outdoor views, close to the fridge
New technology no longer requires a big screen and projector, people have more options with automated, light-blocking window shades and anti-glare, flat-screen TVs In addition, televisions have gotten thinner, too, and look more like a painting hanging on the wall. They aren't an eyesore but a piece of art!
Source: “The New Mansion Must: A Media Room,” The Wall Street Journal (Feb. 7, 2019)